6:00 Call to Order, additions or changes to agenda and administrative items
- Approve minutes of 06/12/23 Selectboard meeting and 6/13/23 Leonard Road site visit
- Sign contract with Central Vermont Humane Society for boarding of animals when necessary
- Sign Board Orders
6:05 Public Comment
Up to 15 minutes (time will be divided so that everyone has equal time to speak)
6:20 Meet New CVRPC Executive Director, Christian Meyer, and learn more regarding how CVRPC can assist the town
6:30 CVFiber Update: David Healy
6: 40 Road Issues
- Report from Road Crew or Road Commissioner on the status of erosion control and the plan for work on Leonard Road, including cost estimates. Possible Action: Approve or change proposed plan.
- Larry Orr application for a new curb cut on Leonard Road. The Calais Road Crew has viewed the application. Possible Action: Approve and sign curb cut application.
- WEC application for placement of utility polls in town right of way on George and Leonard Roads. Both the Calais Road Crew and Calais Tree Warden have reviewed the application and made comments. Possible Action: Condition and sign permit allowing WEC to place poles in ROW.
- Beaver control on Kent Hill Road
6:50 Calais Trails Committee
Trails Chair, Tom Blachly, will give an overview of the Trails Committee work.
Possible Action: Appoint Patrick O'Donnell to a 3-year term expiring 2026.
Possible Action: Reappoint Toni Kaeding and Denise Wilder for new 3-year terms expiring in 2026.
7:00 Declaration of Inclusion: Steve Owens
Steve proposes that the Town of Calais adopt the following declaration, which has been adopted by 112 Vermont towns. See the website at Possible Action: Adopt declaration:
"The Town of Calais condemns racism and welcomes all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or socioeconomic status, and wants everyone to feel safe and welcome in our community. As a town, we formally condemn all discrimination in all of its forms, commit to fair and equal treatment of everyone in our community, and will strive to ensure all of our actions, policies, and operating procedures reflect this commitment."
7:10 Curtis Pond Raft
The town auditor recommends we open an account specifically to receive funds being raised privately
to go toward the purchase of a new raft to be put at the Curtis Pond swim area as authorized by the Selectboard at its June 12, 2023 meeting. Possible Action: Authorize the Calais Treasurer to open a separate Swim Program bank account for the purpose of receiving contributions raised in a "Go Fund Me" campaign to help pay for a new raft, to be managed by the Swim Committee.
7:15 Townwide Public Vote on 2023 Proposed Zoning Amendments
On June 12, 2023 the SB approved some tentative dates in July for a townwide vote. Possible Actions: Rescind the June 12 vote; Approve a new date for August; Approve and sign the Warning.
7:20 Lister Salary
The previous Selectboard increased the wages allocated for Listers from $8,000 in FY'23 to $12,000 in FY'24 in order to increase the hourly rate. Possible Action: Increase hourly pay rate for Listers effective July 1, 2023.
7:25 Discussion About Personnel Structure: Donna Fitch
Report on progress of the Treasurer Hiring Committee and presentation regarding other town personnel. Donna has been collecting information about current jobs done by volunteers and options Calais might want to consider for engaging more professional staff to help with the work. Possible Action: Choose dates for public discussion about whether to hire more staff, and if so, what job or jobs might be done by professional staff.
8:15 Selectboard Reports
- Secret Garden meeting at Maple Corner Community Center: Gabrielle Malina
- Roads: Jamie Moorby and Anne Toolan
• Proposal for "No Parking Signs" on west side of County Road in Maple Corner village and "warning signs" at Curtis Pond swim area. Possible Action: Approve purchase and placement of signs.
• Road Sign Inventory. Review the CVRPC 2013 list of road signs describing the type of sign, exact location, and when last inspected. Possible Action: Make a plan for Summer 2023 inspections.
- Curtis Pond Dam: Jamie Moorby and Gabrielle Malina
• Status of bond vote
- Shared Documents and Emails: Jordan Keyes
- Status of Shedd v. Calais: Anne Toolan and Jordan Keyes
- Collective Bargaining Team: Jamie Moorby, Anne Toolan, Jordan Keyes
Possible Executive Session if any of the above items require the Selectboard to discuss privately under Vermont Open Meeting Law. None anticipated at this time.
Note: Agenda items may be taken up earlier than noted if items are completed more quickly than anticipated.
Feb 5, 2025, 6:15 to 9:15 PM
Calais Town Office Closed Feb. 6Feb 6, 2025
"The Public" Film Screening, Feb. 7Feb 7, 2025, 6 to 9 PM