Hyde Park Town DRB Agenda

Past event
Jun 15, 2023, 6 PM

Town of Hyde Park Development Review Board Agenda - Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 6:00p.m.
344 VT Route 15 West, Hyde Park, VT (lower-level) Hybrid Hearing

1. Welcome & Changes to the Agenda, if any & Public Comment – Application #2023-15 Parcel ID and 911 address confirmation and correction. Application #2023-15 COS Mailing address corrections.

2. Application #2023-14 submitted by Applicant/Landowner Robert and Carolyn Jones for a zoning boundary determination between Village District and RR2 District and a proposed 2-lot residential subdivision with one lot containing an existing residential structure and one proposed residential lot to be served by a proposed 30-foot easement at 468 Ferry Street (Parcel 05-026-095.502). The parcel is located in both the North Hyde Park Village District and the RR 2 Zoning District. The applicant is seeking DRB determination to place the entire parcel in the NHP Village District. The application will be heard under the 2022 Town Land Use and Development Regulations.

3. Application #2023-15 submitted by Applicant/Landowner Jeffrey Emerson for an amendment to a 5-lot residential planned unit development at 867 Beam Road (Parcel ID #13-053-115). This amendment is specific to permit #201904 and to the undeveloped Lot #4, excepting the access drive into Lot #4, located on the southerly side of Beam Road and westerly side of Garfield Road. The proposed amendment is to enlarge the building envelope and amend other permit conditions. The parcel is located in the Rural Residential 5 Zoning District and the Core Forest and Wildlife Habitat Overlay. The application will be heard under the 2022 Town Land Use and Development Regulations.

4. DRB Rules of Procedure – ACTION ITEM

5. Minutes: 11/29/2022, 12/15/2022, 01/03/2023, 04/26/2023 – ACTION ITEM

6. Adjourn

Please visit https://hydeparkvt.com/agendas-and-notices/ for the official agenda containing the Zoom Link and Call-in information attached.

Please email boardclerk@hydeparkvt.com with any questions.

Thank you, Justin Mason, Board Clerk, Town of Hyde Park

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