Selectboard Agenda CONTINUED
7:40 Role of Potential Selectboard Finance Advisory Committee – Presenter: Charlotte Bassage
7:55 Recruitment of New Town Treasurer
Donna Fitch, former Town Clerk and Treasurer, has interviewed our current Interim Treasurer, Sandra Ferver, and other knowledgeable and experienced people in an effort to develop a new Treasurer job description. Sandra has reviewed and commented on the description. Ideally, we would find a qualified candidate available to start employment in the fall so that Sandra could begin training this person during budget season.
Possible Action: Appoint a committee to review the Treasurer job description, recruit applicants, screen applications, and recommend candidates to the Selectboard for interview and potential hire.
8:00 Selectboard Reports
Roads: Jamie Moorby and Anne Toolan
o Boom Mower – Possible Action: Authorize a lease-to-buy option
o Proposal for "No Parking Signs" on west side of County Road in Maple Corner village and "warning signs" at Curtis Pond swim area.
Possible Action: Approve purchase and placement of signs.
o Proposal for stop signs, as per proposed ordinance changes of last February
Possible Action: Authorize purchase and placement of stop signs
o Report on completion of work on a Class 4 road and in a town highway ROW by Larry Orr.
Possible Action: Issue notice of violation of permit and potential penalties if not corrected within a time certain.
o Review unsigned curb cut approval from 2020.
Possible Action: Sign approved (but unsigned) NCMHA curb cut permit dated 10/1/2020.
o Road Sign Inventory. Review the CVRPC 2013 list of road signs describing the type of sign, exact location, and when last inspected.
Possible Action: Make a plan for Summer 2023 inspections.
Emergency Management Team Meeting: Anne Toolan
Curtis Pond Dam: Jamie Moorby and Gabrielle Malina
Shared Documents and Emails: Jordan Keyes
Collective Bargaining Team: Jamie Moorby, Anne Toolan, Jordan Keyes
Status of Shedd v. Calais: Anne Toolan and Jordan Keyes; Possible Action: Executive session to discuss disposition of impounded horses. Vote to proceed with sale of horses.
8:30 New Business and Adjournment
Possible Executive Session if any of the above items require the Selectboard to discuss privately under Vermont Open Meeting Law.
Note: Agenda items (including the start of the Regular SB Meeting scheduled for 7:00 pm ) may be taken up earlier than noted if items are completed more quickly than anticipated.
Jan 13, 2025, 5 to 6 PM
All Recovery MeetingJan 14, 2025, 10 to 11 AM
Acrylic Painting ClassesJan 16, 2025, 6 to 8 PM