The packet can be viewed here:
The agenda includes the following:
6:30 PM - Adjustments to the agenda
6:31 PM - Approve warrants to pay bills
6:35 PM - Open bids for trail construction contract
6:40 PM - Open bids for tennis court resealing contract
6:45 PM - Award Town Hall Re-roofing Contract
7:00 PM - Public comment
7:05 PM - Shade Tree Plan – presentation
7:20 PM - Pennyroyal, LLC license agreement for utilities under and adjacent to Holmes Road
7:25 PM - David and Karen Speidel—license agreement for the installation of a wastewater force main under Spear Street
7:35 PM - Friends of Charlotte Library—request to hold Book Sale on the Town Green, July 16th
7:40 PM - Town Hall cleaning contract—approve contract with Emily Tupper
7:45 PM - Kiley Trust—approve Quit Claim Deed to the trust to release Open Space Agreement in exchange for a conservation easement held by the Charlotte Land Trust
7:50 PM - Consulting contract with Lee Krohn to assist with analyzing options for Town Administrator and Town Manager forms of government
8:05 PM - Approve revised job description for Town Administrator
8:20 PM - Approve advertising for Town Administrator with potential for changing to Town Manager (similar to how Hinesburg advertised)
8:30 PM - Advertise for search/interview committee members for Town Administrator/Town Manager
8:40 PM - Contract with Chittenden County Sheriff for traffic enforcement for FY24
8:50 PM - Minutes: May 22, May 23, June 6
9:00 PM - Adjournment
Jan 4, 2025, 8 to 11 PM
Healing Sound and MusicJan 5, 2025, 4 to 5:30 PM
Qigong SessionJan 7, 2025, 2:30 to 3:30 PM