Moving Sale, Saturday, at 58 Bartlett Bay Road, South Burlington just down the road from Magic Hat Brewery. The sale is on Saturday, July 26th from 10am to 3pm. Come on by to check out the Furniture (beds, side tables, rocking chair, office chair, shelving, lamps and more) Sports stuff (ice skates, sleds, tennis rackets, roller blades and snowboards) Kid stuff (baby carrier & baby gate) and General household items (dishes, books, baskets, curtain rods, clothing and art) and Small appliances (lawn mower, microwaves and air conditioner).
Mar 6, 2025, 1:30 to 2:30 PM
Vermont Flower Show Brings Spring to Champlain ExpoMar 7, 10 AM to 4 PM, Mar 9, 2025
Messiah in the Passover PresentationMar 11, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM