BEER. CHOCOLATE. Beer and Chocolate. What could possibly be better? Now is your chance to discover something magical all while supporting the Sara Holbrook Community Center! Sweet Relief: A Beer & Chocolate Pairing is an amazing event taking place next Thursday, July 24th at Main Street Landing from 5-7:30pm. Tickets are only $30 in advance or $40 at the door.
A member of the Lake Champlain Chocolates team has been working tirelessly to offer a tasting sensation a beer or chocolate lover shouldn't miss. Please come explore this fascinating combination on July 24th from 5-7:30pm at the Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center Atrium and Great Room. The Stephen Callahan Trio will liven up the evening with jazz, and scrumptious hors d'oeuvres will satisfy your after-work appetite.
If that's not enough to get you there, perhaps the silent auction will draw you in. Bid on items and gift certificates from your favorite restaurants, shops, services and places of recreation. All proceeds from the evening will help SHCC continue to offer many educational and recreational programs to low-income children, youth and families.
You may purchase tickets by: copying the the following PayPal URL into ; sending a check to 66 North Ave, Burlington, VT 05401; or calling Jenny Evans or Kathy FitzGerald at 862-6342 to give a credit card over the telephone.
Host sponsored by Main Street Landing.
Event Sponsored by Lake Champlain Chocolates, People's United Bank, Place Creative & Farrell Distributing.
SHCC is a proud member agency of the United Way of Chittenden County.
Mar 6, 2025, 7 to 8 PM
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