WHEN: 5-6pm April 1 (SATURDAY)
WHERE: Capital City Grange Hall (6612 Rt12, Berlin VT)
WHO: Washington District State senator Anne Watson is a sponsor of the bill
John Brabant, Vermonters for a Clean Environment , will support an opposing view
COST: FREE and Open to the Public!
This proposed bill is a major attempt to change the market for heating fuels for Vermont buildings. Fossil fuels provide about three quarters of the energy to heat Vermont buildings, and they are costly; their prices are volatile; and they are polluting. The Affordable Heat Act is designed to harness the power of the market and the ingenuity of Vermonters at fuel providers to reduce dependency on these fossil fuels. We'll hear from different sides of the debate over this bill. It should be an interesting discussion!
Please join us in person (masks optional, please attend via Zoom if you don't feel well)
or via Zoom--see the link below.
Note that the Affordable Heat Act has just "Crossed over" from the Senate to the House, so it will be debated and voted on in the House Energy and Environment Committee and the full House before the end of the legislative session. To view the current status of the bill, its legislative history, and read the original and amended texts of the bill, check it out on the S.5 Bill Status page on the http://Vermont.gov website:
And remember–the program will be followed by one of the celebrated Grange Community Potluck dinners, from 6:00 to 7:30. Also free and open to everyone!
Attend via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87938370423?pwd=NlhIWWo4U1VlaWRVSWxsekd3bklrUT09
Meeting ID: 879 3837 0423
Passcode: 196109
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