Wallingford Property Taxes Due

Past event
Apr 17, 2023, until 4:30 PM

Property taxes are due on Monday, April 17th by 4:30 p.m.

Please do not delay in paying your property taxes or you will receive an one-time penalty of 8% on top of the standard monthly interest. You can mail in your property, bring it in person during business hours, or put it through the mail slot in the front door at Town Hall after hours.

You will not receive a second bill in the mail for this payment. Please contact us at 802-446-2336 if you need a copy of your property bill.

Please remember that postmarked dates are NOT accepted.

If you wish to pay by debit/credit card (3% fee assessed), go to "Make a Payment Online" link on the Town's home page at https://www.wallingfordvt.com. Payment MUST be processed thru Paygov.us by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, April 17th.

Thank you.

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