Selectboard Meeting Agenda

Past event
Mar 20, 2023

Meeting of the Town of Richmond Selectboard
March 20, 2023
Richmond Town Center Meeting Room, 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT. Meeting may also be joined
online or by phone

Join Zoom Meeting Online:

Join by Phone: +1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 825 9576 1731
Passcode: 485921

7:00 PM 1. Welcome and Public Comment:
7:03 PM 2. Additions or Deletions to Agenda
7:05 PM 3. Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present

a) Consideration of approval of the Chittenden Solid Waste District FY24 Budget* # (15 min)
b) Update on Welcoming and Engaging Communities # (45 min)
c) Consideration of prohibiting group sporting activities on Cochran Rd. for 2023* # (15 min)
d) Consideration of approval of Richard Tom Foundation bicycle event * # (10 min)
e) Consideration of setting a date to hold a special meeting to vote on moving Town Meeting Day to the First Tuesday in March* (10 min)
f) Consideration of using Town Center funds for Library Repairs* # (15 min)
g) Consideration of applying for the Bruhn Grant* # (5 min)
h) Consideration of formation of Gardening Committee* (10 min)
i) Consideration of setting a hearing date for amendments to Zoning Regulations for Village Residential/Commercial District and Gateway Residential/Commercial District and associated amendments* (5 min)
j) Report on Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment station # (10 min)
k) Update on delayed start for temporary traffic calming study on Cochran Rd. (5 min)
l) Review of draft of Local Emergency Operations Plan # (5 min)

9:35 PM 4. Approval of Minutes, Warrants and Purchase Orders*
a) Minutes of 3/13/23*

9:45 PM 5. Discuss Items for Next Agenda
9:55 PM 6. Executive Session: Personnel Issue
10:20 PM 7. Adjourn

Time is available at each meeting for public comment. Documents related to this meeting are available at If you would like to schedule a time with the Board or need assistance to participate in the meeting, please call Josh Arneson, Richmond Town Manager at 434-5170 or email Links to videos of Selectboard meetings can be found at
*Denotes Action Item # Indicates documents in the packet

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