The Calais Selectboard will hold a special meeting and work session on Sunday, March 19, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Calais Town Hall for the purpose of organizing and educating the new Selectboard.
9:00 Call to Order
Executive session with town attorneys to get briefed on Curtis Pond Dam issues
9:30 In priority order, we will do as much of the following as we can in the time allotted:
- Make additions or changes to the agenda
- Adopt minutes of March 13, 2023 meeting
- Adopt Rules of Procedure
- Discuss document sharing and secure email systems
- Discuss preferred format of agendas and minutes
- Discuss whether the Town of Calais supports the Vermont Building Energy Code & Ordinance Compliance Project; Potential vote
10: 00 Break
10:15 Public input for one hour, plus time for follow-up questions from the Selectboard.
We ask that people who wish to speak sign up upon arrival. We will divide the hour allotted for equal time among speakers. For example, if 20 people wish to speak, each will be given 3 minutes. This is time for Calais citizens to tell the Selectboard what is on their minds. We will not respond to questions or make comments at this time, although we may do so at a future time. We have allotted an extra 15 minutes of time so that the SB can ask clarifying questions of speakers, which will not be considered part of the speaker's presentation time. We would particularly like to hear what issues residents believe are high priority for the Selectboard to address, and who we should hear from or consult with on those issues.
11:30 Meet members of the Road Crew
- Road Crew priorities and concerns
- Discuss how we can work together
12:00 Lunch break
Food will be provided for the working participants in this mid-day portion of the agenda.
12:30 Roads Management Issues; Rick Kehne and Toby Talbot to present
- Grants management: Toby will explain grants work and how he has applied for, managed and administered highway related grants in the past
- Potential action: Appoint Toby as Interim Highway Grants Administrator
- Current Issues: Rick will describe current projects that need SB attention, including Moscow Woods bridge, Luce Road culvert, and perhaps others
- State and local Road Standards: if time allows
- Appoint a SB member as Acting Road Commissioner; Potential action
1:30 Finances; Wendy Wilton, NEMRC Consultant and Acting Town Treasurer to present. Overview and explanation of financial documents the SB will need to read, interpret and understand.
2:30 Break
2:45 Discussion and plan for items to be on future agendas
3:00 Adjourn
Note: Agenda items may be taken up earlier than noted if the time set aside for public comment is not used, or if other items are completed more quickly than anticipated.
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