6:00 Call to order; Additions or changes to the Agenda
- Swear in new Selectboard members
- Elect officers
6:05 Appointment of personnel; Each of the following items may require Executive Session
- Hire the former Town Clerk to train the new Town Clerk
- Interview and possibly negotiate with candidate for the office of Interim Treasurer
- Interview and possibly appoint an Interim Selectboard Administrator
- Appoint an Interim Selectboard Recording Secretary
7:00 Administrative and organizational items
- Begin reviewing Rules of Procedure; Set dates and times for regular meetings
- Accept resignation of current E-911 Coordinator and DRB member Anne Winchester; Vote to post the open positions
- Authorize the Town Clerk and a Selectboard member to sign checks; Remove current authorized signers
- Authorize a SB member to release insurance payment to Bill Lefevre for damage to his vehicle
- Review and sign Board Orders
- Talk to Curtis Pond Dam Association about immediate actions needed; Possible action
- Talk to Listers about contract to update Calais parcel maps and data; Possibly sign contract
7:45 Discussion about systems for document sharing and emails; Jordan to present and lead discussion
8:00 Executive session with town attorney regarding response to Elizabeth Shedd's challenge to town authority to require certain remedial actions; Authorization of town attorney to respond to the challenge
8:30 Discussion about items for future agendas
8:45 Adjourn
Next Meeting
The Selectboard will hold its next meeting on Sunday, March 19, 2023 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Town Hall to continue organizing the new Selectboard and to educate its members on Calais financial systems, roads, and possibly other topics. We will reserve an hour on the morning of this meeting for public input regarding priority items that the Selectboard should address. We recognize that many who wish to speak will be unable to attend a Sunday morning meeting and we will schedule further opportunity at a future meeting.
Mar 3, 2025, 9 to 10 AM
Ballroom Waltz Lesson 4 + PracticeMar 5, 2025, 4:15 to 6:15 PM
Ash Wednesday Worship ServiceMar 5, 2025, 5:30 to 6:30 PM