Church of the Good Shepherd in Barre is hosting a fundraiser dinner for Turkish/Syrian Earthquake Relief. We will provide a menu of Turkish and Middle Eastern platters, cooked by members of our congregation and the community. All proceeds will be donated to Episcopal Relief and Development and Doctors without Borders who are already providing much needed on the ground support. Your participation can help these communities rebuild and heal.
WHEN: Saturday, February 25th
TIME: Take-out meals available 5:00-6:30
Dine-in meals available 5:00-7:30 pm
COST: $20.00 per meal
Cash and checks made out to the church will be accepted at the door
Advance payment through debit or credit card can be made through Venmo. (Must have an account to access. Username @goodshepbarrevt)
If you are unable to join for the meal but would like to donate, feel free to do so.
PLEASE REGISTER IN ADVANCE to reserve your ticket:
We kindly ask you to join us in this humanitarian response. Given the scale of this tragedy, everything we can do together can make a huge difference in the lives of those who now face such a deep crisis. Please support our fundraising efforts for the victims of the earthquakes in whatever way you can. Thank you so much for considering this request.
The Church of the Good Shepherd in Barre is a 501 (c) 3 organization according to the IRS Code and all contributions are tax deductible in respect to current IRS guidelines. Episcopal Relief and Development has already deliver over 40,000 winterization kits (blankets, pajamas and mattresses); provided over 230 buildings for shelters; begun setting up child friendly spaces; assisting in family reunification and providing emotional support for unaccompanied children. But the needs, of course, are far greater and we want to help continue this relief effort. Doctors without Borders has supported hospitals in northwestern Syria have seen more than 3,500 injured patients, donated emergency kits, trauma kits, medical supplies, and blankets to 30 hospitals and health facilities in Syria and has mobile clinics in five reception centers for people displaced by the earthquake.
Thank you for your kind consideration of this request. We hope you can join with us to help take care of those who are facing one of the deadliest natural disasters in recent memory. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need further information.
Rev. Earl Kooperkamp, Pastor on behalf of the congregation of the Church of the Good Shepherd
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