Calais Emergency Management Meeting Agenda

Past event
Feb 8, 2023, 7 to 8:30 PM

Calais Emergency Management
February 8, 2023, 7-8:30 PM
Location: Calais Town Hall


•Review/approve January minutes; action items follow up
•CEM agenda items for 2/13 select board meeting
- Sign facility Use Agreement with Red Cross
- Amendment to EMPG grant for town hall generator
•EMPG grant Environmental & Historic Preservation Screening form
•March 18 Red Cross training on shelter management – draft information flier - Betty
•Discussion with Cat Fair on future use of CES as site for emergency shelter
•Review town meeting information flier - draft from Denise
•Schedule with town garage for 2-week trial of digital radio repeater service
•CEM files at town hall
•Schedule meeting with Harry Schoppmann, VEM Regional Coordinator
•Local Emergency Operations Plan for 2023
•3/7 town meeting topics

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