On Monday, February 6, Dr. Marvin Malek, past president of Vermont Physicians for a National Health Program (VT PNHP), will give a presentation on the privatization of Medicare.
The program, sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Vermont, will take place at 5:30 pm, in the Hayes Room at Kellogg Hubbard Library in Montpelier. Dr. Malek will discuss Medicare Advantage, DCEs and the new ACO/REACH program. The event is cosponsored by VT PNHP, Vermont Health Care for All, VT State Employees Association, and Vermont Workers' Center.
For the first 20 years after its implementation in 1965, the Medicare program reimbursed hospitals and doctors directly for the care they provided to Medicare enrollees. Beginning in 1985, some Medicare recipients were given the option of electing to have their benefit managed by a private company, currently known as the Medicare Advantage program. Last year, officials in the Medicare program announced that by the year 2030, they would be involuntarily enrolling the remaining Medicare enrollees into another managed care program—the ACO/REACH program.
Thomas Abdelnour, the Vermont State Employees' Association's Legislative Coordinator, will speak about the impact on VSEA members of being involuntarily placed in a Medicare Advantage program.
The goal of the February 6 program is to discuss the impacts of these privatization initiatives on the care that Medicare beneficiaries receive, on the costs Medicare beneficiaries will be facing, and the impacts of these changes on the financial stability of the Medicare program.
The program will be recorded by Onion River Community Access, and will be available online later at https://www.orcamedia.net.
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