Evictions Rents Amendment / JCE - Landlords Welcome

Past event
Jan 30, 2023, 12 to 1:15 PM

Meeting re Evictions and Rents Amendment / JCE - Landlords welcome

15 minutes : presentation (BCS) the campaign, the process and the amendment
45 minutes questions and discussion
15 minutes what to do if the amendment (Prop 2) fails.

Fair Evictions and Rents is part of BCS housing agenda including zoning changes, rent controls, eviction controls, and emergency housing in RVs (EHRV), that we started in 2020. The town is taking initiative on some zoning changes to create rentals. Three homeless people now live in RVs at BCS headquarters. The amendment has hit a snag. It has protections against unfair evictions; it has verification of just causes, it has limits on rent increases. Section B defines just cause for eviction. So, what's the problem ?

BCS invites you to discuss Just Cause Eviction and rent controls.
Contact info@BrattleboroCommonSense.org. (If people want, and there are not too many, we can meet in person.)
Join Zoom meeting 12 noon Monday January 30

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