Wednesday, January 18 at 4 pm: Village to Village Network online Mtg on Zoom
Are you thinking about how you're going to be able to stay in your home as you age?
Vicky Arthur and Sally Deinzer, both residents of Shrewsbury, have been delving into how we might be able to stay in the homes and community we both love. One alternative is to create a Village-To-Village Network. This would be a plan, not a physical space.
A Village seeks to provide services such as transportation, social activities, assistance with simple home (indoor and outdoor) maintenance and more. It can form alliances with existing elder care organizations such as our RAVNAH, Council on Aging, One-To-One, Bayada, to expand the offerings. It also provides volunteer opportunities for neighbors to help neighbors.
We have been in contact with Jeanne Hutchinson, director of the Center on Aging based at UVM's Larner College of Medicine, and deeply involved in the Mount Mansfield Villages that serves residents in Cambridge, Underhill, and Jericho – all rural mountainous communities similar to Shrewsbury and surrounding towns.
Jeanne will host an online Zoom meeting with as many of us as want to learn more about this kind of undertaking.
If you are interested in learning more about the Village-to-Village Network, please contact either Vicky at or Sally at so that we may add you to our email list and provide you with the link to the Zoom meeting online.
The Zoom call will be Wednesday, January 18, 2023 at 4pm and should last approximately one hour. You are welcome to attend for part or all of it.
By the way, if you are reluctant to be seen on camera on the Zoom call, you can always leave the camera feature turned off and listen. Others will see your name but not your image. We will try to record the call so if you're unable to attend the live conversation you could still hear the presentation and Q&A segment at a later time.
We hope you will join us!
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