Tackle your highest priority health and wellness goals in a shorter time and at a reduced cost during this community-style Holistic Health + Wellness Clinic.
Ayurvedic Health Counselors and Yoga Instructors, Sarah L. Frederiksen of Elevate You Well and Jen Peterson of Yoga Grace, are offering eight 1-hour one-to-one consultations from 11AM to 5PM on Saturday, Jan. 21st at Vergennes Movements (2nd Floor).
Client will receive:
- A personalized wellness plan focused on preventive and self-care practices, including a minimum of 5 diet and/or lifestyle recommendations to support your goals.
- Practical and simple strategies to help you alleviate stress and improve your health.
- Counseling to help you find more balance and peace of mind.
Cost is $97. This is a savings of $90! Only 8 appointments are available so register soon!
Registration and more details are at https://www.yogagracevt.com/events/ayurvedahealthclinic-january.
Questions? Email us at sarah@elevateyouwell.com.
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