Magic on Main, Holiday Style ~ This Thursday Night!

Past event
Dec 8, 2022, 5 to 8 PM

Moving at a fast reindeer pace, the spirit of the holidays continues in downtown Vergennes.

MAGIC on MAIN, HOLIDAY STYLE ~ Thursday, Dec. 8, 5:00-8:00pm - Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of evening shopping downtown Vergennes. Experience the beauty of the season as you stroll from shop to shop, enjoy dinner then walk through the magical lighted City Park. Most shops will be open till 8:00pm, surprises & sips in store for you; wrap it up in downtown Vergennes.

Special Events during Magic on Main:
HOLLYHOCKS, 4:00-8:00pm: Boxwood Benefit, year #5!!
Hour long time slots are available starting at 4pm or you may pre-order a kit for pick-up. Call 802-877-6663 or email to reserve a time slot or kit. This year's proceeds will be donated to the meal program at the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Vergennes. icecream | espresso bar, 5:00-8:00pm:'s Holiday Makers Markets are back! Pick up all your gifts from local makers at one groovy spot. The counter will be open of course for scoops, hot chocolate, sweets or even a savory snack to power up your holiday shopping 😉.

12 DOGS of CHRISTMAS - Movie at the Opera House - Saturday, Dec. 10, 4:00-5:30pm - a feel good holiday movie, sponsored by our animal-loving sponsors - Vergennes Animal Hospital - and presented by the Partnership. One of the sweetest happy ending movies out there; bring the whole family and share the spirit of the season. (PG rated, free!)

FIRE PITS, MARSHMALLOWS & COMMUNITY SINGALONG – Saturday, Dec. 17, 5:00-6:30pm – Meet us at City Park for a community singalong. Roast marshmallows by the fire, sip hot chocolate (courtesy of Strong House Inn) and singalong to your favorite carols.

SPECIAL THANKS - Last Saturday's HO, HO, HO Holiday Stroll warmed the hearts of many. From the Bixby to the Opera House, and the activity as the sun set on City Park was magical. As for the SD Ireland lighted truck, well, we're still trying to figure out where it went! Sincere thanks to all who made this traditional event a success - and there were many!!!

What's Up Downtown & Around? Continue to check - submissions always welcomed too!

Happy Holidays to YOU & YOURS~

Julie Nelson Basol
Vergennes Partnership
802 598 7424

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