Write for Rights
Be a human rights defender! Amnesty International's Write for Rights campaign is underway from now until January 29.
On Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022, CVAI (Champlain Valley Amnesty International) local group will hold its Write for Rights 2022 event at the Brownell Library (6 Lincoln St. Essex Junction) between 10 AM-2PM. Write for Rights is AI's largest annual human rights campaign. Please come anytime between 10 AM-2PM and write a letter or letters to free any of the 10 human rights defenders around the world who have been imprisoned solely for peacefully protesting. Hope to see you on Saturday Dec. 3.
If you can't join us on Dec. 3 in Essex, you can still participate as an individual. Please visit https://champlainvalleyai.wixsite.com/cvai/write-for-rights for information about how you can join this international effort. If you decide to write letters, please follow the guidelines on the Amnesty International website so that you don't inadvertently harm the people you are writing to support.
Our local chapter, Champlain Valley Amnesty International (CVAI), focuses on human rights issues in the United States and around the world. If you would be interested in helping us to promote justice, please contact us at champvalleyai@gmail.com
Our website is https://champlainvalleyai.wixsite.com/cvai
We meet (usually online via Zoom) the third Saturday of each month from 9:00-10:30 AM
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