Dear Neighbors,
This coming Monday, the City Council will convene its first of two scheduled meeting for the month of October.
You are welcome to attend the Council meeting in person at Contois Auditorium OR Remotely via ZOOM at the following link:
or by phone 1 929 205 6099 Webinar ID: 896 0534 4006
You can also join us via Youtube:
You can sign up for public forum via this link: or in person by completing a sign-up form inside Contois.
Prior to the Council meeting, the Council is going to Champlain Elementary School for a field trip to showcase some nature-based climate solutions that the Conservation Board and many other community partners are working on, as well as the work of our students and teachers at Champlain Elementary. They will share with us some of the nature-based climate action projects that have been recently launched in the city. These initiatives include tree planting, heat mitigation, stormwater and flood resilience, inclusive nature connection, local ecologically-sound food production, and planting and flourishing of native species within our city.
We will begin our meeting at 6:45pm with an update and discussion on redistricting. The working group has been immersed in finding a ward map that seeks to balance many concerns. We will see some new map configurations as we hopefully get closer to finding a map that arrives at a reasonable consensus for the Council as well as one that garners community support.
Following this presentation and discussion, we will hold a public forum beginning at 7:30pm.
After public forum, we will hear a public presentation for the partners of CityPlace Burlington on their plans for CityPlace and their timeline to begin construction of this long-awaited project. The Council will hold an executive session following the public presentation on developments taking place with this project.
Once out of executive session, and following any climate emergency reports, and several board and commission appointments to fill vacancies, we have three items on our deliberative agenda, as follows:
• We had a work session on the Railyard Enterprise Project at our last meeting on September 19. On Monday, after much discussion as well as a field trip to walk the site between Pine and the bottom of Battery Streets, we will be voting on the road design for construction that would begin in 2025 and continue into 2026.
• We will be voting on an ordinance relating to parking requirements and transportation demand management.
• Our last item on our deliberative is a vote to decide to move forward with a hearing on an entertainment permit. That hearing would take place at our next meeting on October 24.
I would encourage you to check out our agenda on board docs at
As always, I welcome your questions, concerns, and comments, so please be in touch. Your voice matters and I am grateful for your input.
I hope you have a wonderful fall weekend.
My best,
Mar 4, 2025, 7 to 8 PM
Ward 6 NPA Meeting March 6 - AgendaMar 6, 2025, 6:30 to 8:15 PM
Stepping Stones Open HouseMar 8, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM