Come Join a Night of Musical Mayhem!

Past event
Oct 8, 2022, 8 to 10 PM

Close your eyes and imagine you're in a happy crowd...wait, wait, open your eyes back up so you can read this. Okay, starting over - Keep your eyes open and imagine you're in a happy crowd. You hear music, it's good music, or at least alright music, or at least identifiable as music, and there's laughter and cheers and mirth. You're with friends, maybe even your kids. You're all having fun.

Where are you? You're at the Bent Nails Bistro, this coming Saturday at 8pm. What's the fun all about? alright, picture this (you can imagine if you want, but you can also just picture it, two totally different things), there are 10ish really good musicians split up into two bands. The audience (you! and your friends, and your kids, and your granny, and the hitchhiker you picked up on the way into town) shout out different well-known-ish bands and popular-esque musical genres. These suggestions go on two different wheels, the Wheels of Steel, and the band spins the wheels and then rock out a song from that random band in that random style. So like, hip-hop Grateful Dead might produce the best version of "Friend of the Devil" you've ever heard. Or the not greatest version, the audience scores each performance too! But it'll be fun no matter what and that's what this night is all about. Plus, I'm hosting it so you'll either laugh with me or at me and I won't be able to tell the difference. So collect your motley crue, assemble your flock of seagulls, and pop on down to the Bent Nails Bistro, it'll be classical. See what I did there?

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Bent Nails Bistro, Langdon Street, Montpelier, VT, USA

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