Our ancient ancestors around the globe understood the critical importance of the mind-emotion-body-spirit connection. Individuals in every society were dedicated to promoting and supporting well-being by helping individuals to understand how the interworkings of their various aspects impacted their happiness, health, and longevity. In many societies, these people were known as Shaman.
Today, the Shamanic wisdom is making a comeback and for good reason. Since becoming a Shaman myself, I have helped people to rid themselves of everything from allergies to migraines, depression to liver failure, ulcers to PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Last, but certainly not least, we have turned toxic relationships into mutually-rewarding safe havens.
Working together, we are learning how to let go of our fear and belief in luck and take responsibility for the internal and external environments we co-create. We are finding there is power in responsibility. And with empowerment comes happiness and good health.
Please join us in East Hardwick on Saturday mornings: June 21 and June 28 from 9:30AM to 12:30PM. (July thru September dates TBD)
Cost: $25
Registration required as space is limited. Please email coachkris@me.com to register and for driving directions.
Thanks and hope to see you there!
Kristine Burke, MBA and Pachacuti Mesa Holder (Shaman)