Guilford Folk Idea Gathering Sunday

Past event
Sep 11, 2022, 2 to 5 PM


I just wanted to spread the word about this upcoming sharing & learning event. Should be fun!


Idea Gathering with Guilford Folk Learning Connections
Sunday, September 11th, 2:00pm
at Guilford Free Library

Are you interested in learning a new skill? Sharing your knowledge with others? Finding joy and connection by spending time together with neighbors? Guilford Folk Learning Connections strives to create opportunities for our community to share, learn, help, laugh, and interact together. In the past, we have organized activities like Winter Pen Pals, Backyard Sugaring, Moth Party, Guilford Learning Exchange, Community Cocina, Free University of Guilford, and various discussion groups and game playing.

On Sunday, September 11, we will be gathering at the library to discuss all of the above and more! We'll have light refreshments, time for conversation, hear updates on past or current projects, and brainstorm and plan future events and activities.

We're asking everyone who can to bring an object from their home which has a story behind it. Where did it come from? What does it make you think of? Why do you hold on to it? We'll spend some time sharing these stories and learning more about each other. Don't worry about it being a particularly significant object, anything can become a window into our lives... And don't worry if you don't have an object to bring, you can still be a part of the conversation, even just by listening!

Please share with anyone who might be interested. If you can't make it to this event but have an idea to share or just want to stay connected for next time, please email

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