Two seatings: 5:00 and 6:15 pm
Traditional menu of ham, baked beans, coleslaw, potato salad, deviled eggs, home-made rolls, and maple syrup on snow with home-made doughnuts.
Price: $15 adults; $7 for ages 6-12; $3 for ages 3-5; free for under age 3.
For reservations (either eat-in or take-out), please call 802-257-7557.
Join us for our 72nd year hosting this Vermont tradition!
Mar 8, 2025, 10 AM
Unqualified Band - Live Performance!Mar 8, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Soul Friends: a Book Play Group with Anam CaraMar 9, 2025, 1 to 3 PM