"Humans of Johnson" Community Celebration

Past event
Sep 18, 2022, 2 to 4 PM

Please join the Johnson Beautification Committee and local artist Finn Watsula in celebrating the installation of their 12x16' public mural, "Humans of Johnson," commissioned by the Town of Johnson- located on the Public Works garage facing the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail (beside the Johnson Food Shelf and across from Old Mill Park) at the end of Railroad Street. Please bike or walk if able! :)

The people in this mural represent the citizens within the Johnson community, and the objects they hold represent the many businesses, organizations, and recreational opportunities the town and village of Johnson have to offer. Welcome!

We want to thank our generous sponsors for their in-kind and monetary gifts that made this mural possible: RK Miles, Johnson Farm & Garden, Diane Lehouiller and Don Blais, Northern Vermont University-Johnson, Vermont Electric Co-op, Two Sons Bakery, Union Bank, Vermont Studio Center, SR Miller & Sons, Studio Store, Butternut Mountain Farm, Lamoille Valley Bike Tours, Mark Woodward, R.L. Vallee, Johnson Works, Jan Gearhart, Jane Nuse, and Jane Marshall.

Free warm cider, fresh donuts, and VT cheddar cheese will be served till we run out. People from all communities are welcome and encouraged to come! Rain or Shine.

For more information about this event and our other public projects, follow us on Facebook!

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