Town Center Development - Public Workshop

Past event
Jun 30, 2014

The Westford Planning Commission has been working on new zoning regulations for the town center area. Before any new regulations are adopted, there will be several public meetings and hearings. Eventually, it will be the Selectboard’s decision, after public comment and input, whether to adopt the new regulations. If new regulations are adopted, the Development Review Board and the Zoning Administrator are charged with the task of making sure all new development is in compliance with those regulations.

In 2010 the town adopted a new five year Town Plan. This new plan required the town to develop an overall strategy for how the town center area could be developed over time. As a result of this directive, the Planning Commission is drafting new proposed zoning regulations, primarily focused on commercial, and multi-use development in the town center area.

A draft of the Planning Commission’s current proposed regulations are now available for public review. A public workshop will be held on Monday June 30th at 7:00PM at the Brick Meeting House to discuss the proposed regulations and to received feedback and public comment. The Planning Commission will hold another public workshop in late summer regarding proposed changes to the regulations in the AFR II District.

Please plan to attend the public meeting on June 30th to discuss this project and the Planning Commission’s progress thus far.

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