Annual Meeting of the Tinmouth Pond Milfoil Project

Past event
Aug 13, 2022, 1:30 PM

Just a reminder. The Annual Meeting of the Tinmouth Pond Milfoil Project will be held August 13th beginning at 1:30pm (NOT 2pm).

This is also the date of the Annual Fundraising Raffle. We have 10 items available, and you can purchase additional tickets at the meeting. In person (or Zoom) winners can select their prize

The meeting will be held in person at the Swenson Cottage, 70 West Shore Drive. A Zoom link is also available. Contact me and I can send you the link and the handouts on Saturday BEFORE the meeting.

Also, ballots were mailed to all members in good standing as of July 5th. Those ballots can be brough to the meeting and deposited in the ballot box.

Everyone is welcome to attend whether or not they are a member.

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