Selectboard Meeting Agenda Aug. 8

Past event
Aug 8, 2022, 6 PM

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Monday, August 8, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Location: Calais Town Hall (note no Zoom option)

PLEASE NOTE: Agenda items may be taken up earlier than noted if the 15 minutes set aside for public comment is not used, or if other items are completed more quickly than anticipated.

6:00 PM
● Call to Order
● Executive Session (personnel matters) per 1 VSA §313

7:00 PM
● Public Comment (for items not on the agenda)
● Additions/Changes to the Agenda
● Review and Sign Warrants

7:15 PM -- Consent Agenda – ACTION ITEMS
• Adopt Edited Minutes of June 13, 2022 Regular Meeting
• Adopt Edited Minutes of June 27 and 28, 2022 Regular (and Continued) Meeting
• Adopt Edited minutes of July 25, 2022 Regular Meeting
• Reappoint Sandra Ferver delinquent tax collector

7:15 PM – Roads Report – Rick, Alfred
• John Risse ROW application #2022-04 – ACTION ITEM
• Memo to Road Crew, re: confirm in writing review of Calais Road Standards – DISCUSSION ITEM

7:35 PM – CV Fiber ARPA Request for $200,000 ACTION ITEM

7:45 PM - ARPA public input process – new idea (Denise) DISCUSSION ITEM

8:00 PM – End of Fiscal Year '22 INFORMATION ONLY

8:10 PM – Authorize Denise to draft and send a memo to Sullivan and Powers, summarizing history and status of treasurer hiring ACTION ITEM (Ratify 8/22/22)

8:20 PM - Personnel Report - DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS
• Approve creation of Treasurer/Business Manager job description – ACTION ITEM
• Approve Treasurer/Business Manager job description – ACTION ITEM
• Next steps director of public works position – DISCUSSION ITEM
• Authorize Sharon and Denise to revisit director of public works job description and (possibly) post for the position – ACTION ITEM

8:45 PM – Additional Signage – Denise, Sharon
Curtis Pond Swim Area – ACTION ITEM
Biking signs -- DISCUSSION

8:55 PM – Update on Pay Data contract – INFORMATION ONLY – Sharon
9:00 PM -- Board round-robin on items of old business and other business
8:55 PM – Review future agenda items
8:55 PM – Executive Session as needed under 1 VSA §313
9:00 PM -- Adjourn

August 22, 2022 Agenda Items
• Meet with road crew members
• CKC LLC Application for Curb Cut
• Follow-up Proposal re: speed carts and permanent alerts (Rick)
• Meet with Alfred Larrabee re: road commissioner reappointment (likely executive session)
September 12, 2022
• Town Hall Usage Policy – Review and Renew July 2022 (Marc)
• Follow-Up Shade Tree Preservation Plan
• Report on Peter Harvey Private Maintenance Public Roadside (Alfred/Peter) – 15 minutes
Future Agenda Items
• East Calais Tree Removal (Denise follow up with Neal Maker, tree warden)
● Curb Cut Application (NEEDED) and Curb Cut Application Assessment Form (new) (Sharon/Denise) – ACTION ITEM (Curb Cut Materials at this link; CC has requested input) – August
● Highway Capital Plan – Rick
● County Road Speed Limit -- Rick/Denise
● Immunizing Ash Trees – Rick/Neal Maker
● 2023 Property Reappraisal Process – Marc Mihaly/Jan Ohlsson
• ARPA Process

Review and Update Existing Policies and Ordinances
● Traffic Ordinance – Rick
● Personnel Policy – Sharon/Denise
● Job Descriptions Review and Update – Sharon/Denise
● Conflict of Interest Policy (Conflict of Interest Background)

Create Ordinance/Policy
• Junk Ordinance – requested

Issues Awaiting Further Development
● East Calais Stormwater Project – Rick

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