Little Mermaid Auditions

Past event
Jan 11, 2025, 1 to 5 PM

Cabot Community Theater is seeking talented performers for our May 8-11 performance of The Little Mermaid! We need kids, teens, and adults for parts both large and small! We will have performers of all ages involved in the show, and plan (as always) to have flexibility in our casting in terms of age and gender, to offer performing opportunities to as many participants as possible. Everyone is welcome to audition, whether you're from Cabot or a nearby town.

Auditions will be held in the Cabot School Performing Arts Center, 25 Common Rd, Cabot (just behind the main school building) on Sunday, January 5, 2-5pm and Saturday, January 11, 1-5pm. We are asking people to sign up for a one-hour slot at (though if you are not interested in a solo role, you will probably only need to stay for a half hour or so). If your child is auditioning without a parent present, please make sure they have all relevant contact information with them. We will send information about available roles and a link to the readings to everyone who signs up for an audition.

Please prepare a song you feel comfortable singing; if you don't want a solo part, you can sing with a family member if you wish. Accompaniment is available if you bring sheet music. We'll also want to see how you move, so wear or bring shoes you can dance in. Anyone interested in a lead role will also be asked to read from the script. Everyone who auditions will be included in the show in some way, but we want to have a chance to see and listen to everyone.

Rehearsals will begin in late January, and be largely on weekend afternoons, with some early evening weeknight rehearsals (though not for younger kids). Some major lead roles will be shared by multiple performers, to give more people the chance to have a big part, and those people may have 2-3 rehearsals per week, while smaller leads might have 1-2, and chorus members will average one rehearsal each weekend.

The rehearsal schedule will be determined after casting. Be sure to bring to auditions a complete list of your commitments and conflicts through May 11--we can probably work around your availability, but only if we have all the information at the outset!

If you have questions or are unable to make any of the available slots, or you're interested in helping out with sets, costumes, or props, email

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