Pick Your Own Garlic - Final Weekend!

Past event
Jul 29 to 31, 2022

Pick Your Own Garlic - Final Weekend!

Friday & Saturday 9-5pm
Sunday 12-5pm

Come harvest your own garlic, it's fast, easy and a lot of fun.  Pull a fist full for your kitchen, or an armful to hang in your shed and store for the months ahead.  Or store it here if you're tight on space.  It's juicy, spicy when eaten raw and cooks up sweet especially when it's fresh from the ground. Culinary, winter storage, and seed garlic also available.

Pick Your Own Potatoes are just ramping up. Now featuring a purple and pink mottled variety with white flesh - Purple Viking. There are 8 more varieties to choose from. You'll dig it!

Artisan popsicles while they last. Strawberry, Strawberry mint, and Raspberry-Lemonade.

We are a small family owned Pick Your Own Farm. We focus on chemical-free, well loved and cared for pick your own food, berries, and trees. Bringing people to the source, and hoping to supplement your family's storage crops for the winter. We are located at 182 Pony Farm Road about .5 miles from the village of Moretown, VT. Hidden from the internet so far, our hours are quirky, just like our offerings so get on our email list today or stop by this weekend. info@ponyfarmvt.com

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