Selectboard Meeting Agenda

Past event
Jul 25, 2022, 6 PM

Selectboard Meeting Agenda

Monday, July 25, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Location: Calais Town Hall (note no Zoom option)

PLEASE NOTE: Agenda items may be taken up earlier than noted if the 15 minutes set aside for public comment is not used, or if other items are completed more quickly than anticipated.

6:00 PM
● Call to Order
● Executive Session (personnel matters) per 1 VSA §313

7:00 PM
● Public Comment (for items not on the agenda)
● Additions/Changes to the Agenda
● Review and Sign Warrants

7:15 PM -- Consent Agenda – ACTION ITEMS
● Adopt Edited Minutes of June 13, 2022 Regular Meeting
● Adopt Edited Minutes of June 27 and 28, 2022 Regular (and Continued) Meeting
● Ratify Denise Wheeler signing Form 941 for 2022 Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return for NEMRC to file on the town's behalf.
● Ratify Sharon Winn Fannon signing of Woodbury Volunteer Fire Department Fire Protection Contract with Town of Calais, effective July 1, 2022, consistent with voter approval as warned for FY 2023 budget.

7:30 PM - Meet with Louis Porter, General Manager Washington Electric Cooperative

7:45 PM – Set FY 23 tax rate (NEMRC) ACTION ITEM

8:00 PM - Installation of shutters on Town Hall windows DISCUSSION ITEM

8:15 PM – Authorize purchase of removable speed bumps in an amount not to exceed $1,500 to be used on County Road (and other roads as needed) - ACTION ITEM

8:20 PM – Readopt Calais Road Standards ACTION ITEM

8:30 PM – Roads Report (Rick/Alfred) DISCUSSION ITEM

8:45 PM - Curtis Pond Dam: ACTION ITEMS
● Approve and authorize Denise Wheeler and John Brabant to sign the permit application for the Vermont DEC to reconstruct the Curtis Pond Dam.
● Authorize release of funds from the Curtis Pond Dam Fund in the amount of $1,000. payable to the State of Vermont for permitting application fees and sign application.

8:50 PM - Personnel Report - DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS
● Appoint Temporary Treasurer
● Authorize Denise Wheeler and Sharon Fannon to work on a Treasurer/Business Manager job description
● Approve creation of public works position for the Town of Calais, ratify June 27 approval of the job description (with reference to the warned May 2, 2022 discussion on this topic)
● Appoint Sharon Fannon to represent the Board in responding to a complaint to the attorney general's office about a possible open meeting law violation

8:50 PM -- Board round-robin on items of old business and other business

8:55 PM – Review future agenda items

8:55 PM – Executive Session as needed under 1 VSA §313

9:00 PM -- Adjourn

August 8, 2022 Agenda Items
● ARPA public input/survey (6:30 pm)
● End of FY '22 financial report – Denise
● Next steps Pay Data implementation – Denise
● Meet with road crew members
● Town Hall Usage Policy – Review and Renew July 2022 (Marc)

Future Agenda Items
● Follow-Up Shade Tree Preservation Plan – (8/8 or 8/27)
● John Risse ROW application #2022-04
• East Calais Tree Removal (Denise follow up with Neal Maker, tree warden)
● Curb Cut Application (NEEDED) and Curb Cut Application Assessment Form (new) (Sharon/Denise) – ACTION ITEM (Curb Cut Materials at this link; CC has requested input) – August
● Highway Capital Plan – Rick
● County Road Speed Limit -- Rick/Denise
● Immunizing Ash Trees – Rick/Neal Maker
● 2023 Property Reappraisal Process – Marc Mihaly/Jan Ohlsson

Review and Update Existing Policies and Ordinances
● Traffic Ordinance – Rick
● Personnel Policy – Sharon/Denise
● Job Descriptions Review and Update – Sharon/Denise
● Conflict of Interest Policy (Conflict of Interest Background)

Create Ordinance/Policy
• Junk Ordinance – requested

Issues Awaiting Further Development
● East Calais Stormwater Project – Rick

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