Earth Keepers Musical Friday, July 30

Past event
Jul 30, 2022

Original Musical Earth Keepers Invites Community Engagement and Celebration on the State House Lawn

On Saturday, July 30 at 1:15PM & 5:30PM, Cultivating Peace Vermont will host two free performances of Earth Keepers, a mindfulness-based musical on the State House Lawn. This 45-minute interactive musical for all ages combines Earth-based chants that invite audience participation with monologue reflections on the interdependence of Earth, humans and the impact of war/violence. Bells of mindfulness, participatory singing, and guided meditation will establish an environment rich in opportunity for engagement and respite.

"Our aspiration for this performance is to invite reflection, create connection, and motivate acts of civil engagement, inspiring new ideas of how to care for this Earth and each other." - Ginger Cloud, author of Earth Keepers and Board Member of Cultivating Peace Vermont.

Cultivating Peace Vermont offers these two free performances as gifts to our Vermont community; a resting place to settle into the comfort of the Earth after over two years of surviving a global pandemic.

Earth Keepers is a collaboration of musicians, activists, artists and actors. This production is sponsored by numerous individuals and businesses including Hunger Mountain Coop, Vermont Bicycle Shop, Veterans for Peace, and Montpelier Alive.

Visit for more information.

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