Action on Abortion! Talk the talk. THEN WALK THE WALK.
People want to do something about Roe. Protest demonstrations and resolutions are not enough. The Brattleboro selectboard will soon consider a resolution with many whereas's and no force, supporting the right to abortion. A resolution is effective when it publishes a new idea, or when the signers' name or numbers strengthen an idea. But no one's mind will change because the Brattleboro selectboard makes a resolution that liberals like to hear. We ask assistance in promoting the amendment below, because the resolution without it is ineffectual. With this amendment we make a new model for enforceable local action.
This amendment should be added to the end of the resolution.
Let it be further resolved that:
5. The Town of Brattleboro immediately donate:
a) $50,000 to Planned Parenthood's Brattleboro office to support reproductive care for all of Brattleboro's residents and guests, especially including people of color and LGBTQ+ people.
b) $50,000 to Pro-choice America, to support their advocacy of reproductive rights throughout the U.S.
c) $5,000 for a grant for advocacy of reproductive rights by a Brattleboro resident or group.
Come to speak before the selectboard, and they will do the right thing – the strong action.
Brattleboro Common Sense (BCS) is also promoting an office of social justice coordinator, who would administer the grant for local activism if the amendment succeeds. BCS has promoted this concept before, petitioning for coordinators for justice in 2007, for a town grand juror in 2009, and for an energy (sustainability) coordinator in 2019, which was successful. Our goal is to bring the official power of the town -- its reputation and its treasury -- fully behind the progressive majority.
Attend the meeting by Zoom or at 230 Main Street. The date is not official yet, but will very likely be Tuesday July 19 meeting code 12261753, https://us02web.zoom
Mar 13, 2025, 10:30 AM to 12 PM
Free Community Concert - Catalyst String QuartetMar 15, 2025, 2 to 4 PM
Open for ViewingMar 16, 2025, 1 to 3 PM