Virtual Mindfulness Meditation circle , in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, 10am to 12 noon 7/24/22. For anyone interested in participating in the recitation of the Five Mindfulness Trainings, a global ethic for mindful living, please arrive online by 9:45am. Our time together will encompass guided and silent sitting meditation, walking meditation, reading from the book "Fear" by TNH, and dharma sharing. Sponsored by Cultivating Peace Vermont. For a secure zoom link, and access to the reading, please go to our website. We meet the fourth Sunday of every month.
Donations, however small are always welcome.
Mar 7, 2025, 7:30 to 8:15 AM
Tabletop RPG at the LibraryMar 8, 2025, 11:30 AM to 2 PM
Bone Builders ClassMar 13, 2025, 9 to 10 AM