Is everyone organizing their large trash items? The Town of Craftsbury's FREE BULK WASTE COLLECTION for Craftsbury residents is Saturday morning, June 18, at the town garage Calderwood Hill Rd entrance from 9a-12p. Look for Michelle's pretty posters on the town website and going up around town!
Here's the skinny:
TIRES: First 4 tires per family are free! The Town will pay for your first 4 tires; over that we'll ask $5 each. (Passenger and light truck tires only please.)
YES items: household furniture, mattresses, building materials (no more than a pick-up load), large plastic objects (toys, chairs, etc), any large items made with non-recyclable materials, tires (see above) and metal appliances that don't use freon.
NO items: clothing, textiles (bedding, towels), clean untreated wood, electronics, other items that can (and should!) be recycled, appliances using freon (refrigerators, A/C, etc), household hazardous waste.
Call 586-2486 with questions.
Mar 4, 2025, 9 AM to 7 PM
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