On Saturday, June 4, from 9 - 11:30 the Montessori School of Central Vermont will host a 15 FAMILY yard sale! Find outdoor gear, kids' clothes, baby clothes, toddler bed and crib, toys, books and household goods including some brand new items!
The school is located at 84 Pine Hill Road in Barre. No early birds please, we won't be ready to sell until 9 am. Nonprofits and those in need - there may be free items available after 11:30!
Feb 1, 2025, 7:30 to 11 PM
Worcester Winter Cash Bingo! Sundays at Town HallFeb 2, 2025, 3 to 4:30 PM
OLLI and "Painting the Dandelion Resurrection" FilmFeb 5, 2025, 1:30 to 3 PM