Guilford Planning Commission Meeting, Recreation Focus

Past event
May 18, 2022, 6:30 to 8 PM

Guilford Planning Commission Meeting
Wednesday, May 18, 2022, 6:30 to 8 pm
Attend either in person at the Town Office or via Zoom. Link below

The Planning Commission would like to focus on recreation-related initiatives during this meeting. Any group is welcome to present what they're doing, opportunities for collaboration, and thoughts regarding ways in which the Planning Commission can assist. We'd like your input regarding the Town Plan Recreation Policies and Actions.

Call to order
Recognition of the Public
Rules of Procedure
Changes to Agenda order
Approval of Minutes 4/20/22

Old Business
1) Speeding on Weatherhead Hollow Road

New Business
1) Energy Committee postcard mailing proposal
2) Update on Scoping Study
3) Community groups' reports
4) Review of Town Plan Recreation Actions and Policies


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