Concert Tonight at Beaver Brook Farm in Marshfield

Past event
Apr 30, 2022, 12 to 12 PM

Tonight, Saturday, April 30th at 7pm, Dana and Susan Robinson will perform in the beautiful venue in the renovated barn at Beaver Brook Farm - 645 McCrillis Rd, (directly off Rt. 215) in Marshfield. $20 suggested donation.

The concert room is spacious and well ventilated. Masking is optional. For info, contact Dana at 802-793-3016 or

Dana & Sue's new song, "Without Changing Our Ways,"

Americana-roots and folk duo, Dana and Susan Robinson from Cabot, Vermont, blend old songs and new with a driving guitar, banjo groove and harmony vocals. Their latest album, The Town That Music Saved has been awarded a Times-Argus "Tammie" for Best Vermont Album of the Year, 2019.

Their compositions have been featured in Ken Burns's "The National Parks, America's Best Idea" and "The Dust Bowl." Seven Days writes, "Dana is a master storyteller, spinning his yarns with the precise skill of an artisan loom weaver.

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