Eli's Town with Photographer Elliot Burg

Past event
May 1, 2022, 4:30 to 5:45 PM

*In person & on Zoom* Beth Jacob Synagogue invites you to join us as local photographer Elliot Burg shares a presentation of his photo-essay 'Eli's Town' as a fundraiser for Ukraine. Eli's Town recounts his retracing of the route that his great-grandfather took in 1881 from Austria-Hungary to the Ukrainian village of Ozeran, where his son, Grandpa Eli, was born. The journey included a search for the site of the October 1942 Nazi massacre of the Jews who remained in Ozeran, and an interview with Olga Kvitka, the last living witness to the purging of the village.

Eli's Town was published in the online edition of the Jewish cultural magazine Moment and exhibited at the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education in Portland.

More info and sign up here: https://www.bethjacobvt.org/event/elis-town-presentation-with-elliot-burg-and-fundraiser-for[...]tml
*This event is a fundraiser for organizations that are supporting Ukraine during this time. We ask that all participants please donate to one of the listed established charitable organizations in the amount that they are able.*

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