April 27, 6:30PM
City Council Chambers, City Hall Join Zoom Meeting:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83907999647?pwd=TGRWbjB6eHRG b0lDTFVWWDNKaklFUT09
Meeting ID: 839 0799 9647
Passcode: 626834
One tap mobile: (929)-205-6099
1. Call To Order By The Mayor
2. 2022-119. Meeting Logistics:
3. 2022-120. Approve Agenda
4. 2022-121. General Business and Appearances
5. 2022-122. Consent Agenda
a. Berlin Pond Easement
b. Strategic Plan Update
c. BAN
d. Street Closures
e. Minutes for April 13th Council Meeting
f. Liquor Licenses
6. 2022-123. No Mow May Resolution
7. 2022-124. VRC- Confluence Park
8. 2022-125. Guertin Park 9. 2022-126. Lockers
10. 2022-127. Police Review Committee- Public drinking and officer recruitment standards
11. 2022-128. Social and Economic Justice Advisory Committee: Stipend Policy
12. 2022-129. Appointment of Council Rep to Montpelier Alive Board
13. 2022-130. Other Business
14. 2022-131. Council Report's
15. 2022-132. Mayor's Report
16. 2022-133. Clerk's Report
17. 2022-134. City Manager's Report
18. Adjournment
Mar 5, 2025, 7:30 to 8:15 AM
Bone Builders ClassMar 6, 2025, 9 to 10 AM
International Women's Day - Unite & ResistMar 8, 2025, 12 to 1:30 PM