Stowe Selectboard Water & Sewer Commissioners Meeting
Akeley Memorial Building
Monday, April 25, 2022
Join the meeting in person, online or on the phone
Zoom Link:
Call in Numbers: 1-646-876-9923 Meeting ID: 818 9782 4430
5:30pm Call to Order
Approve the Agenda
5:35pm Selectboard Meeting
A. Consent Agenda
1. 4/11/22 Selectboard Minutes
2. Moscow Road/Village – Phase 1 Contract
3. Water-Sewer Allocation, Spruce Peak Reality – Relocated Offices
4. Stowe Vibrancy Use of Village Green
5. Special Event Permits
B. Business
1. Conservation Commission Green Up Day Recognition
C. Other Business
Manager's Report
Public to be Heard Non-binding
D. Executive Session
Meeting times are approx. & subject to change.
Meeting Materials can be found online at{26889790-9F4D-4B47-AB1E-192BCF516825}
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