Waterbury State Office Complex Update

Past event
Jun 7, 2014, 9:30 to 10:30 AM

Monthly Site Tour and Construction Update -- Waterbury State Office Complex

Construction is in full swing at the Waterbury State Office Complex. Come and see for yourself on SATURDAY, JUNE 7th at 9:30 a.m. at the monthly site visit where the public is welcome to come take a tour and ask questions. Watch for the lawn sign at the horseshoe drive on South Main Street.

In the near future, construction “outside the fence” will be initiated to connect and redirect storm water drainage as well as building several swales and lowering the elevation of the flood way adjacent to the Winooski River. The most significant impact of this necessary construction will be the temporary (but relatively lengthy) closure of the Cross Vermont Trail around the back side of the complex. This part of the trail will not likely be open to the public until sometime next year. Other parts of the trail will remain open and accessible from Randall Street heading north along the cornfield. Watch for signs directing you to the open parts of the trail.

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