I would like to invite you to participate in an experience of Ukrainian culture while participating in a fundraiser for the people of Ukraine. My name is Sarah Horton and I was raised learning about my Ukrainian heritage through decorating eggs (pysanky) with wax and dyes. I would love to teach you! Here are the opportunities:
Event #1: Saturday, March 26th 2:30pm to 5:30pm at The Round Hearth, 39 Edison Hill Road, Stowe. You will be making 2 decorated eggs.
Light refreshments will be served.
Event #2: Saturday, April 2nd 2:30pm to 5:30pm at Butler's Pantry, 128 Main Street, Stowe.
Laura Biron (Ukrainian heritage) will be teaching as well.
You will be making 2 decorated eggs.
Light refreshments will be served.
Signup Process:
Send me an email at shorton117@gmail.com with your name, event date you plan to attend, and your most commonly used phone number. I will send you a reminder a few days before the event via email.
Choose one of the following organizations and make your check payable to: World Central Kitchen or United Help Ukraine. THESE LINKS ARE FOR INFORMATION ONLY. DO NOT DONATE ON THE SITES. I will be mailing all the collected checks on the day of each fundraiser after the event is done. Please bring the check to the event.
If you want to donate and are not planning to attend, you may also mail a check to me at PO Box 1296 Stowe, VT 05672. I will include yours with the event participants. You may certainly donate more than $50 if you want.
Mar 6, 2025, 7:30 to 10 PM
Pebble ArtMar 9, 2025, 2 to 4 PM
Restorative MeltMar 9, 2025, 4 to 5:45 PM