Take-Out Dinner to Support Twin Valley Senior Center

Past event
May 25, 2014

Last Sunday of the Month Take-out or Sit-down Dinner, to benefit the Twin Valley Senior Center and Meals-on-Wheels, serving Cabot, Marshfield, Plainfield, Woodbury, Calais and East Montpelier. Pick up will be at our new location at Blueberry Hill Commons on Rt. 2 in East Montpelier. Come and see our new home!

Sunday, May 25th between 4:00 and 6:00 at the new TVSC located at Blueberry Hill Commons, Rt. 2, East Montpelier
Chicken Divan, salad, roll and desert prepared by Calais volunteers
$10.00 per meal
Call Susan for reservations: 223-6954

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