Library Trustees' Meeting

Past event
Feb 21, 2022, 6:30 to 7:30 PM

Guilford Free Library
Trustees In-Person/On-Line Meeting
Due to Covid-19 Situation
Guilford, Vermont
Mon, Feb 21, 2022-- 6:30 pm
Link to Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 823 5481 3502
Passcode: 000967
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,82354813502#,,,,*000967# US (Chicago)
Cathi will be present at the library for the meeting.
Others are invited to join Cathi at the library for the meeting.
John will leave at 7. Nika will be taking the minutes.

o Accept Minutes from January meeting.
• Make any additions and/or deletions as necessary.

o Librarian's Report ---Cathi
• Storytime update- March 15 -start storytime, if all is safe in regards to COVID
• School age grant possibilities

o Treasurer's Report- Richard
• Report on Jan 2022

o Building Committee Update- Richard, Nika
• Committee to present PR plan.
• Organize and prepare for pre-town mtg Thur Feb 24 at 7 pm (What questions might be asked, prepare the answers, each trustee take one particular topic and be the person to answer the questions of that topic.)

o Friends of the Library- Jeannette or a Friend
• Anything to report?

o New Business (Anything forgotten on this agenda?)

***Next monthly Trustees Meeting: Monday March 21, 2022 at 6:30 pm ON ZOOM and IN-PERSON at the library.

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