Come & Get It, This Saturday

Past event
Jan 29, 2022, 9 AM to 1 PM

FREE party supplies this Saturday at St. Peter Parish Hall (85 Maple Street) from 9:00-1:00!

A very kind and generous Vergennes resident manages University Mall's Party Store in S. Burlington. A reset of their store has generated the need to quickly move out a TON of merchandise that the company no longer wants in their inventory mix - offering to us, all the merchandise we could handle - with the caveat, the goods were not to be resold, but given away.

Over the past week, the Partnership coordinated the effort, inviting area non profits (from seemingly everywhere!) to come and take whatever they want and need. This week, people from over 40 non profits and schools have filled their bags with goods from basic supplies to decor that will ramp up the fun factor at their place of employ.

With 13 tables of goods yet to distribute, we offer up the balance to the public this Saturday. 20 people will be allowed into the Parish Hall at any one time. Masks are a must; bring a bag - or two - or three!

On behalf of the Partnership, we extend sincere thanks to St. Peter's Church for the use of their space as well as community members Jeanne Senesac, Deb Emerson, Karen Wisell, Martha DeGraaf, Scott & Kathy Rossier, Michael Johnston, Scott Gaines, Mark Basol, Laurie Gutowski, Amy Djordjevic and others who helped spearhead this monumental move.

Questions? Give me a call - 802.598.7424

LAST - Last Vergennes Farmers Market of the season at this Saturday as well. 9:00-1:00am - Don't miss it!

ONE MORE - It's back - stay tuned for our DINE AROUND the LITTLE CITY promo running all February. Details to roll out shortly - 12 participating businesses - 15 chances to win over $600 in prizes!

Stay warm; be well & thank you for keeping it local.

Julie Nelson Basol
Vergennes Partnership

Vergennes Partnership: Building Commerce, Community & Culture

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