The Parks Commission is Meeting Jan. 18

Past event
Jan 18, 2022, 6 PM

The Montpelier Parks Commission will be meeting Tuesday January 18th at 6:00. The Hubbard and North Branch Management Plan will be under discussion as well as the Hubbard Expansion Plan. the proposed Hubbard Expansion Management Plan explicitly does not incorporate possible homeless tent encampment as Montpelier City Council envisioned in their September policy statement on encampment. The document reaffirms Hubbard as wilderness and the only tents that will be allowed are for event purposes. At the meeting, the Parks Commission will be asked to clearly state their position on opening Hubbard Park to people sleeping in the park after dark; whether the prohibition will continue to be against the law and whether they expect the law will be enforced in the future.

The Commission will be asked whether they intend to cede their powers under the City's Charter to the Montpelier City Manager's office to set policy and assert control over the public parks as Council envisioned in September, 2021.[...]Id=

§ 802. PARKS COMMISSION The Commission shall have charge of the construction, maintenance, and control of all public parks within the City. The term "public parks" shall not be construed to include recreational fields and playgrounds.

For those with an interest in the future integrity of Hubbard Park, this should be an interesting meeting to attend either in person or on Zoom.

Meeting Location: Manager's Conference Room and Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 7497 0068
Passcode: 596920
One tap mobile: (301)-715-8592

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