Woodbury Community Library Trustees Meeting Jan. 17

Past event
Jan 17, 2022, 11 AM to 1 PM

Woodbury Community Library
Trustees Meeting Agenda
Monday, January 17, 2022, 11:00 AM — 1:00 PM

This meeting will be held at the Woodbury Community Library. Attendees must wear a mask. According to the Vermont Department of Health: "The Health Department recommends wearing a high-quality mask to help limit the spread of COVID-19, including variants like Omicron. Examples of high-quality masks are N95 or KN95 masks, which are very good at blocking droplets. If you cannot get that type of mask, wear a well-fitting mask with at least two layers of tightly-woven fabric. You can also layer a disposable mask under a cloth mask to increase effectiveness." (For current guidance, see https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19.)

Alternatively, the public may attend by computer or telephone. If using a computer, enter the following Zoom Meeting ID: 814 1378 7585, and Passcode: 002530. If using a telephone, dial 1 646 558 8656 US (New York), then as prompted, enter Meeting ID: 814 1378 7585, followed by the # sign. Public access to the meeting will begin at 10:55AM in order to resolve potential technical difficulties, and to ensure connectivity before the meeting begins at 11:00AM. To use Zoom, visit website https://zoom.us to 'Sign Up Free', then 'Join A Meeting'. If you experience technical difficulties, contact Trustee Sara VanHof at svanhof23@gmail.com.

11:00 AM - Begin
• Additions/Changes to the agenda
• Public Comment
• Approval of Minutes from meetings held in December 2021

11:10 AM - Librarian's Report
• Review of December Report
• Secure space for sensitive records
• ARPA Grant Updates – shelving and storage?

11:30 AM - New Business and Updates
• Review COVID-19 Policy
• Director Topics
- Purchase approval for DVD storage shelf
- VT Department of Libraries Annual Report Update
• Discuss 'Policy Governing Management of Library Collection' 
• Revision of Mission Statement
• Front door lock and new keys
• Representation at the Joint School District-WCL Team Meetings
• Changes to Bylaws Article II – discussion only

12:30 PM - Executive Session
• Executive Session - To discuss pay increase for Director (1 V.S.A. § 313(a)(3) -- evaluation of a public employee)
• Action and/or Report Relating to Executive Session

12:50 PM Finances
• Treasurer's Report – budget update

12:55 PM - Wrap-up
• Confirm time and place of next regular meeting

1:00 PM Adjourn

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