The packet can be viewed here:
The agenda includes the following:
6:00 PM - Adjustments to the agenda
6:01 PM - Approve warrants to pay bills
6:10 PM - Committee requests for unbudgeted expenditures (time allotted if needed)
6:15 PM - Minutes: December 13, December 20, December 23, December 29, January 3
6:20 PM - Monkton Road Slope Stabilization Project—award bid or reschedule project
6:30 PM - Application to the Conservation Fund for Kiley property on Garen & Prindle Roads
6:45 PM - Conflict of Interest Policy—draft revision
7:00 PM - Public Comment
7:05 PM - Vermont Commons School—request for Highway Access Permit (continued hearing)
7:15 PM - Budget Review
7:45 PM - Decision whether to hold Town Meeting in person or by Australian ballot
7:50 PM - Town Meeting warning
8:20 PM - Town Report, 2021
8:25 PM - Animal Control Intake Contract
8:30 PM - Job description for Zoning Administrator/Sewage Control Officer/Health Officer
8:40 PM - Contracts for Thompson's Point Wastewater System:
• SJW Docks, Inc. for System Operator
• Civil Engineering Associates for System Engineer
8:45 PM - 251 Ferry Road Site Plan Review (Docket #21-ENV-00077)—withdrawal from appeal by property owner
8:50 PM - Selectboard meeting schedule for January and February
8:55 PM - Selectboard updates
9:00 PM - Adjournment
Mar 12, 2025, 3 to 4 PM
The Many Meanings of MapleMar 12, 2025, 6 to 7:30 PM
SB Rotary Club Hosts the 13th Annual Curling ClassicMar 15, 2025, 8 AM to 6 PM