Jan. 5 Planning Commission Meeting

Past event
Jan 5, 2022, 7 to 9 PM


The next Planning Commission meeting will be held on January 5th at 7 pm. This meeting will be held at on the third floor of the Richmond Town Offices, 203 Bridge St., Richmond, VT 05477. This meeting is also accessible via Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88419874605
Meeting ID: 884 1987 4605
Join by phone: (929) 205-6099

The agenda is as follows:

1. Welcome, sign in and troubleshooting

2. Public Comment for non-agenda items

3. Adjustments to the Agenda

4. Approval of Minutes - December 1, 2021

5. Preparation of draft regulations on wetlands, vehicle fueling station, and nonconforming structures and uses for Public Hearing

6. Creation of plan and timeline for upcoming Gateway District zoning discussion and update

7. Brief introduction to reorganization of Zoning Regulations

8. Other Business, Correspondence, and Adjournment

The meeting materials are available on the Town website: http://www.richmondvt.gov/boards-minutes/planning-commission/planning-commission-materials/. For additional information and accommodations to improve the accessibility of this meeting, please contact Ravi Venkataraman at 802-434-2430 or at rvenkataraman@richmondvt.gov.

Thank you!

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